Local Delivery
When should I expect my delivery?
Once your order has been placed, a member of our team will reach out to you within 24 business hours to schedule a time for delivery. Please note, delivery times are subject to change based on weather.
What are your delivery times?
Deliveries will be scheduled in advance and arrive before 5pm. The latest a delivery will be dispatched is 3pm.
How much will delivery cost?
Delivery is based on the milage of the intended destination, and the type and amount of material ordered. Please note, any order over 12 cubic yards will require an additional delivery vehicle.
My Order
How can I cancel my order?
If your order has not been processed, packed, or left for delivery you may cancel your order but you will incur a restocking fee equal to 10% of your total order value. Please call us directly at (804) 892-6359 to cancel your order.
What if I receive the wrong product?
If you receive the wrong product in your order, please call us directly to resolve the issue.
How much do I need?
Please visit our "How Much Do I Need" page and use the fill calculator to determine the amount of material you will need for your project.